NCL Junior Overman Question Paper 2018
Ncl cil junior overman question paper 2018 with solutions answer key by mining papa. ncl fullform is northern coalfield limited ( a miniratna company, an undertaking of Government of India).
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ncl junior overman exam paper by mining papa |
Jr.Overman, T&SGr-C/NRD:486(2018)
1. What is the minimum height of the roof in case of flat roof rest shelters?
A) 2.5 Mtr.
B) 3.0Mtr.
C) 1.8Mtr.
D) 3.5Mtr.
2. Proximity warning device is to be fitted--------as an additional safety feature?
(A) Excavators
(B) Watertanks
(C) Drilling of equipment
(D) Dumper / Tippers
3. Flash Back Arrestor should be provided in------
(A) Compressor
(B) Gas welding/CuttingSet
(C) Generator
(D) WeighBridge
4. Voltage limits shall not exceed for General lighting in opencast Mines?
(A) 125Volts
(B) 650Volts
(C) 250Volts
(D) 11K.Volts
5. Workman Inspector is designated by_____in consultation with the registered trade Union in the Mine?
(B) MineManager
(C) Owner/Agent
(D) Foreman
6. Maximum exposure limit of dust prescribed for 8 hrs. weighted average in Mine?
(A) 5Mg/m3
(B) 3Mg/m3
(C) 7mg/m3
(D) 10mg/m3
7. Which of the following features should be Shown in water danger plan?
(A ) River, Stream, Watercourse, Reservoir
(B) Surface contour lines, dykes, Faults sorters geology
(C) Highest flood level of the area
(D) All of above
8. Which of the following is true regarding the worker's participation in safety management?
(A) Safety Committee
(B) Bipartite Committee
(C) TripartiteCommittee
(D) All of the above
9. Which of the following are not the safety feature of Belt conveyer?
(A) Limit switch
(B) Pull chord
(C) Holdback
(D) Vulcanizing
10. As per the CMR-2017 danger zone for blasting is an area falling in a radius of?
(A) 100m
(B) 150m
(C) 500m
(D) 300m
11. Which of the following term is not related to opencast Mining?
(A) Box cut
(B) Highwall
(C) Crest
(D) Winze
12. As per the provision, how much drinking water must be provided to Mine worker?
(A) 1.5 Lit
(B) 1.3 Lit
(C) 4 Lit
(D) 2 Lit
13. In a Mine where 1600 persons are ordinarily employed, the number of workman Inspector required as per the Rule?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
14. The Cap lamp used by the miner is?
A) Intrinsically safe
B) Flameproof
C) None of a&b
D) Capable to produce spark-
15. Which of the following is most difficult in opening opencast Mines?
(A) Land acquisition and rehabilitation
(B) Man power recruitment
(C)Green Belt vegetation
(D)Customer selection
16. Mechanized opencast mining in India is economically feasible at present if the Coal & OB ratio is up to?
(A) 1 in 2
(B) 1 in 4
(C) 1 in 8
(D) 1 in 10
17. The earliest indication of spontaneous heating of Coal can be given by?
(A) Make of C02
(B) Sweating
(C) Temperature rise
(D) Name of the above
18. The material grade called, which is available from a property after actual mining is?
(A) Computed grade
(B) Run of Mine grade
(C) Effective grade
(D) Pit head grade
19. The term Representative factor (R.F) is related with?
(A) Mine ventilation
(B) Mine Plan (Survey)
(C) Mine air sampling
(D) Mine drainage
20. Coalification had taken place in order of?
(A) Lignite, Peat, bituminous, anthracite
(B) Peat, Lignite, bituminous, anthracite
(C) Peat, Lignite, anthracite, bituminous,
(D) bituminous, Peat, anthracite, Lignite
21. Gravimetric samplers work on the principles of?
(A) Thermal precipitation
(B) Filtration
(C) Optical
(D) impaction
22. Burden is the distance between?
(A) Last row and edged line of bench
(B) First row and second row
(C) First row and edge line of bench
(D) Depth of hole
23. To measure the performance of blasting which factor is calculated?
(A) Loadfactor
(B) Agefactor
(C) Yieldfactor
(D) Power factor
24. While blasting in hot strata the temperature of hole should not exceed?
(A) 80°c
(B) 60°c
(C) 90°c
(D) 70°c
25. Fly rocks during opencast blasting are controlled by?
(A) Spraying water
(B) Muffle blasting
(C) Blasting short holes
(D) Blasting deep holes
26. While dealing with misfire shot, the relieving hole is drilled at a distance not less than?
(A) 15m
(B) 20m
(C) 10m
(D) 5m
27. A Coal seam is said to be degree III if rate of emission of gas in m3/te of coal raised is more than?
(A) 2
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) 20
28. Reportable injury means any injury other than serious injury, which involves the enforced absence of an injured person from work for a period of?
(A) 72 hours or more
(B) 2 days or more
(C) 48 hours or more
(D) one week
29. Coal seams are normally found in?
(A) igneous rocks
(B) sedimentary rocks
(C) Metamorphic rocks
(D) none of the above
30 In contiguous seams means the parting between two seam is within?
(A) 13m
(B) 15m
(C) 9m
(D) 14m
31. Joining of two ropes is called?
(A) Pasting
(C) Casting
(D) Rolling
32. Explosive is stored at?
(A) Room
(B) Bunker
(C) Godown
(D) Magazine
33. DGMS comes under?
(A) Coal Ministry
(B) Energy Ministry
(C) Law Ministry
(D) Labour Ministry
34. Notice of serious accident is given in Form?
(B) 1
(D) V
35. The most important parameter of dust that governs its physiological effect is?
(A) Colour of dust
(B) Speed of dust
(C) Size of dust
(D) Smell of dust
36. The Oxygen concentration in underground Mine should not be less than?
(A) 25%
(B) 21%
(C) 19%
(D) 15%
37. Geothermal gradient in Indian Coalfields is about?
(A) l°c/38m
(B) 10°c/38m
(C) 100°c/38m
(D) -l°c/38m
38. Dust Generation may be reduced by drilling?
(A) With Blunt Bit
(B) With high speed
(C) With low speed
(D) With sharp bit
39. Which of the following term is not used to describe a geological fault?
(A) Gradient
(B) throw
(C) Hade
(D) None of the above
40. In surface mine, a box cut is defined as?
(A) The Final cut to close the mine
(B) The initial cut made to open a cut
(C) Any cut which looks as open box
(D) The cut to extend haul road
41. Which of the following factor is considered for calculation of cycle time of excavating machine?
(A)Swell factor
(B)Bucket factor
(C) Swing factor
(D) powder factor
42. In an open cast Coal Mine, bench failure has occurred in which a triangular portion has come out. The type of failure is...
(A) Curved failure
(B) Wedge failure
(C) Toppling failure
(D) linear failure
43. Unit of blast induced vibration is?
(A) mm/s
(B) Pascal
(C) db
(D) m/min
44. Factor of safety of slope of an open cast mine ...............with increase in pore water pressure?
(A) Goes up
(B) reduces
(C) Remains unchanged
(D) Lose importance
45. It does not contribute to coalification process?
(A) Climatic condition
(B) Time
(C) Depth
(D) Method of working
46. VOD is a term related to?
(A) Air blast
(B) explosive
(C) exploder
(D) Tire Burst
47. Productivity of highly mechanized Coal Mine depends on?
(A) % availability of equipment
(B) % Utilization of equipment
(C) Manpower availability
(D) % availability and % Utilisation of equipment
48. While working in an OCP over the developed workings, the parting above the gallery is proved by?
(A) Drilling of holes
(B) Plotting the RL from plan
(C) Burnside boring
(D) pre-splitting
49. What is subsidence in coal mining?
(A) Folding of strata
(B) Breaking of rock
(C) Lifting of surface strata
(D) None of the above
50. Which equipment is not used for stripping work in open cast mine?
(A) Shovel
(B) Dragline
(C) Bucket wheel excavator
51. The Raj Mahal Mine Disaster of 2016 was due to?
(A) Blasting
(B) fire
(C) Explosion of Gas
(D) Strata failure
52. AVA is used in?
(A) Belt conveyor
(B) Vehicles used in mines
(C) Crusher
(D) Rest shelter
53. New Coal Mine regulation was introduced and effective from?
(A) March, 2017
(B) November, 2017
(C) March, 2018
(D) November 2018
54. One mine should be under sole control of?
(A) Owner
(B) Agent
(C) Engineer
(D) Manager
55. Spontaneous combustion of coal is?
(A) Burning of Coal
(B) Self heating of Coal
(C) Not related to Coal
(D) Domestic
56. Garland drain is?
(A) A water drainage
(B) Drainage of spoil
(C) Pot hole
(D) Dam to protect drain
57. Dozer used as?
(A) Loading equipment
(B) Transport equipment
(C) Leveling & pushing purpose
(D) for crushing & screening purpose
58. It is not related with dragline?
(A) Drag
(B) Hoist
(C) Swing
(D) Crowd
59. Thickest seam of Coal?
(D) All of the above
60. Coal is utilized mainly for in India?
(A) Fuel for domestic purpose
(B) For extracting Oil
(C) For Power Generation
(D) For farming
61. The Moving front of mine is called?
(A) Cut
(B) Bench
(C) Face
(D) Burden
62. No person is allowed to work in a mine for more than...................days in a week?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 7
63. Women is allowed to work in mine?
(A) Between 7PM to 6.00 AM
(B) Between 6 AM to 7.00 PM
(C) Between Break time only
(D) Between 10 AM to 5.00
64. Safety features in a Dumper is?
(A) Rear View Mirror
(B) Proximity sensor
(D) All of the above
65. BERM is?
(A) Provided on the edge of haul Roads
(B) Spacing between two rows of holes
(C) It is feature of a machine
(D) lt is related with drilling
66. You may its distinctive Rotten egg odor?
(A) Hydrogen
(B) Carbon monoxide
(C) Carbon dioxide
(D) Hydrogen sulphide
67. The gradient of haul road is................
(A) 1 in 12
(B) 1 in 20
(C) 1 in 16
(D) 1 in 18
68. In open cast mine, highest gradient of any road is ...
(A) 1 in 6
(B) 1 in 10
(C) 1 in 4
(D) 1 in 8
69. The diameter, of a dumper wheel, is 2.4 meter, then the height of the "BERM" will be ..
(A) 1.60 meter.
(B) 2.00 meter.
(C) 2.40 meter.
(D) 1.8 meter.
70. Which of the following protects us from dust?
(A) Earmuff
(B) Goggle
(C) Mask
(D) All of the above
Section B
1. Who among the following is not a recipient of Bharat Ratna?
(A) Vinobha Bhave
(B) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
(C) Lai Bahadur Shastri
(D) Dr. S Radha Krishnan
2. first Indian Who receive a Nobel prize?
(A) Mother Teresa
(B) Hargovind Tagore
(C) C.V. Raman
(D) Rabindranath Tagore
3. World Red Cross Day falls on
(A) May 3
(B) May 8
(C) May 10
(D) May 11
4. Which one of the following days is observed as World Environment Day?
(A) 28th February
(B) 4th March
(C) 5th June
(D) 16th September
5. International Women Day is celebrated on which of the following dates?
(A) 18 April
(B) 8 March
(C) 15thMay
(D) 27December
6. When the world AIDS day is celebrated?
(A) 1st October
(B) 1st December
(C) 12 December
(D) 12 November
7. Name of the first state of India which is dependent on organic farming?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Kerala
(C) Sikkim
(D) Arunachal Pradesh
8. Which of the following is a medicinal crop?
(A) Sugarcane
(B) Aloe vera
(C) Cotton
(D) Mahua
9. Which state of India touches maximum state boundaries?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh
10. Nepanagar is related to which of the following industry?
(A) Fertilizer
(B) Newsprint paper
(C) Sugar
(D) Woolen Textile
11. On which date, the 2018 National Mathematics Day (NMD) was observed in India recently?
(A) December 21
(B) December 22
(C) December 23
(D) December 24
12. From which sport Anup Kumar is associated with, who recently announced his retirement?
(A) Cricket
(D) Basketball
13. Which of the following country won the Kabaddi World Cup 2018?
(A) Iran
(B) India
(C) South Korea
(D) Pakistan
14. Which of the following city is called 'Pink City'?
(A) Jodhpur
(B) Jaipur
(C) Jabalpur
(D) Udaipur
15. The hottest planet of the solar system is?
(A) Saturn
(B) Mercury
(C) Venus
(D) Mars
16. The Bogibeel bridge is constructed over..................... river
(A) Ganga
(B) Brahmaputra
(C) Godawari
17. Volleyball team consists of.............players.
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 5
(D) 7
18. Good Governance Day is observed on...
(A) 22 December
(B)23 December
(C) 24 December
(D) 25 December
19. Which of the following country will host Olympic games 2020?
(A) Australia
(B) South Africa
(B) Russia
(D) Japan
20. Which of the following is a Kharif crop?
(A) Wheat
(B) Gram
(C) Mustard
(D) Rice
21. Sequence the following events :
1.Diagnosis 2. Doctor 3. Sick 4.Treatment 5. Recovery
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 3,2, 1,4,5
(C) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
(D) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
22. A man's speed with the water current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is?
(A) 8.5 km/hr
(B) 10 km/hr.
(C) 12.5 km/hr
(D) 9 km/hr
23. A boat speed is 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km/hr down stream and comes back in a total time of 4.30 hour. what is the speed of the stream (in km/hr) is?
A) 10
B) 6
C) 5
D) 4
24. An error of 2% in excess is made during maping the side of a square. So What is the % of error in the calculated area of the square?
A) 4.04%
B) 2.02 %
C) 4%
D) 2%
25. A rectangular (four sided) park which length is 60 m and width is 40 m and it has two concrete crossroads running in the middle of the park and the rest of the park has been used as a lawn. the lawn area is 2109 sq. m. what is the width of the road?
A) 5 m
B) 4m
C) 2 m
D) 3m
26. when we bleached the towel that lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. than What is the percentage decrease in area?
A) 30%
B) 28%
C) 32%
27. If the length of a rectangle is halved and its breadth is tripled, what is the percentage change in its area?
A) 25 % increase
B) 25% decrease
C) 50% decrease
28. A train is running at a speed of 40 km/hr and it crosses a post in 18 seconds. What is the length of the train?
A) 190 metres
B) 160 metres
C) 200metres
D) 120metres
29. A train has a length of 150150 meters. It is passing a man who is moving at 22 km/hr in the similar direction of the train, in 3 seconds. So what is the speed of the train?
A) 182km/hr
B) 180km/hr
C) 152 km/hr
D) 169 km/hr
30. The price of 20 articles is the equal as the selling price of x articles. If profit is 25% than find the value of x?
A) 15
B) 25
C) 18
D) 16
Answer sheet
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. D
34. C
35. C
36. C
37. A
38. D
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. B
43. A
44. B
45. D
46. B
47. D
48. A
49. D
50. D
51. D
52. B
53. B
54. D
55. B
56. A
57. C
58. D
59. C
60. C
61. C
62. C
63. B
64. D
65. A
66. D
67. C
68. B
69. C
70. C
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. D
21. B
22. B
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. B
27. D
28. C
29. A
30. D
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